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1997年初公司已全面電腦化,公司不斷在計算機軟硬件上投下巨資,並成立專業的網絡信息部門,對快件軟件不斷的進行研究及開發,結合現代條碼技術和網絡技術對快件轉運的全過程實現POD追蹤掃描,客戶可直接登入 查詢貨物詳細的轉運過程及簽收情況,並隨時了解公司最新動態。 為擴大網絡的覆蓋面,公司以臺灣地區、香港地區、華南地區的服務網點為基礎,逐步擴展到華東、華北、東北和西南等地區,形成了較為完善的以自營網點為主,代理網絡為輔的大中華地區快遞服務網絡。
2003年6月,公司在深圳機場投資興建了自己的物流園區,充分利用自身的網絡及信息優勢,為國內外企業提供包括倉儲、派送、代收貨款、信息反饋等一系列的大中華地區第三方物流服務 。
Please pay attention to detailed tracking information, if your item has arrived its destination country, we'd advise you to track it again within 1-2 days and observe the latest updates to ensure a smooth receipt of the package.
If you ensure your package has been delivered successfully, please ignore this notice. However, if you haven't received your package, we'd advise you to contact the carrier to arrange a re-delivery or collect your item. Hint: Generally, the carrier has collection deadline, we'd advise you pickup your package at once, or it might be returned to the sender.
Under most circumstances, the delivered status indicates that the carrier has delivered this package successfully. If the addressee didn't receive it, we'd advise you to contact the package sender or shipping carrier for clarification.
Generally, after the sender ships your package, it will be processed by the carrier, then they scan and enter the tracking information. There might be a delay between these scanning events and tracking availability in their system. Usually it takes a few days for processing, therefore the tracking information may not appear online immediately, please try to track again later.
If you ensure your package has been delivered successfully, please ignore this notice. However, if you haven't received your package, we'd advise you to contact the carrier to arrange a re-delivery or collect your item. Hint: Generally, the carrier has collection deadline, we'd advise you pickup your package at once, or it might be returned to the sender.
If you ensure your package has been delivered successfully, please ignore this notice. However, if you haven't received your package and it is under the"Alert" status, then please pay attention: you need to read and analyze the detailed tracking information carefully. Due to complex description of worldwide shipping providers, we can't auto-detect and determine all the status 100% accurately, hope you understand. We'd advise you to contact the package sender or your shipping carrier for clarification.
If you ensure your package has been delivered successfully, please ignore this notice. However, if you haven't received your package, please pay attention, we'd advise you to contact the package sender or your shipping carrier for clarification.
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