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PCA Express是位于澳大利亚的私营快递公司,在亚太地区有很大的影响力。由于我公司拥有专业的物流从业员,与时俱进的行业知识以及与各大航空海运公司的紧密联系,我司可以向各位重要的客户提供灵活,详细并且效率的解决方案。我公司和26个以上国家的代理建立了长期合作关系。不管个人或企业,本地或国际,PCA Express都能为您提供服务。
PCA Express秉承“Big or small, we send it all”的服务理念,以良好的客户服务,优惠的市场价格以及快速安全的派送系统在日益激烈的物流市场中占据一席之地。随着电子商务的茁壮成长以及地球村效应,PCA Express在面对各种机遇的同时也不断的引进最新的技术来满足消费者的要求。即时包裹跟踪以及线上客服为PCA Express和客户提供了信息共享和反馈的渠道。正是因为我司严谨的管理系统,优秀的员工配置以及不断的创新改革,才得以快速成为澳大利亚快递市场的中坚力量。PCA Express不仅仅可以接受世界各地航空快件至澳大利亚的专线运输,而且凭着常年累积的物流网络,为寄件人选择最合适的运输路线。与此同时,PCA Express和澳大利亚海关有着良好的合作关系,这大大加速了航空快件的清关时间。我司也负责门对门运输以及咨询服务。
Please pay attention to detailed tracking information, if your item has arrived its destination country, we'd advise you to track it again within 1-2 days and observe the latest updates to ensure a smooth receipt of the package.
If you ensure your package has been delivered successfully, please ignore this notice. However, if you haven't received your package, we'd advise you to contact the carrier to arrange a re-delivery or collect your item. Hint: Generally, the carrier has collection deadline, we'd advise you pickup your package at once, or it might be returned to the sender.
Under most circumstances, the delivered status indicates that the carrier has delivered this package successfully. If the addressee didn't receive it, we'd advise you to contact the package sender or shipping carrier for clarification.
Generally, after the sender ships your package, it will be processed by the carrier, then they scan and enter the tracking information. There might be a delay between these scanning events and tracking availability in their system. Usually it takes a few days for processing, therefore the tracking information may not appear online immediately, please try to track again later.
If you ensure your package has been delivered successfully, please ignore this notice. However, if you haven't received your package, we'd advise you to contact the carrier to arrange a re-delivery or collect your item. Hint: Generally, the carrier has collection deadline, we'd advise you pickup your package at once, or it might be returned to the sender.
If you ensure your package has been delivered successfully, please ignore this notice. However, if you haven't received your package and it is under the"Alert" status, then please pay attention: you need to read and analyze the detailed tracking information carefully. Due to complex description of worldwide shipping providers, we can't auto-detect and determine all the status 100% accurately, hope you understand. We'd advise you to contact the package sender or your shipping carrier for clarification.
If you ensure your package has been delivered successfully, please ignore this notice. However, if you haven't received your package, please pay attention, we'd advise you to contact the package sender or your shipping carrier for clarification.
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